Getting ready to ditch Norton

Your new version is causing untold havoc on my system. Blocking safe websites that I access multiple times a day. Quarantining files I’ve put an exception on in the past. I’ve about had it with you. There appears to be no way to set up safe sites (and why should I have to do this anyway?)

I am sure that I’m not the only one with this problem. I’ve been a customer for decades. VERY UNHAPPY customer now


I have had Norton for three and a half months and it is an absolute nightmare. I have paid for more add-ons than I can shake a stick at and now my virus protection has blocked one of Norton’s own emails. I have to sign on multiple times each day, and every time I run a scan, I have to re-enter passwords at every other website including Google and Amazon. The security has gone mad. Bitdefender was much easier!


you can disable the addons but are you in the 22.x ore the 24.x i has a guide to help you but i cant do it before i now what version you is on i can add a link to help you but it only work on the 22.x not the 24.x the 24.x has a totely new design and it look more like the norton utilities norton is making all there produckt
look like that now this is how you do it in the 22.x Manage marketing pop-up notifications from Norton


Citation : locking safe websites that I access multiple times a day. Quarantining files I’ve put an exception on in the past.

Hi @dcsj ,

From what I understand, versions 22 and 24 of Norton rely on different detection technologies and signature databases. I fear that some configuration settings could not be maintained during the technological leap in protection when switching between versions. Unfortunately, it will certainly be necessary to reconfigure some of the exceptions historically configured on V22 when switching to V24 (for my part, not yet done !)

Sorry for this difficulty which seems to me to be explained in the context of the version change.
I think I can reassure you that this is not a long-term instability of the product.



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Good evening @Nicholas_Leach ,
As @globus5000 says, do not hesitate to share with the community in more detail the various difficulties you are encountering so that we can help you.

  • Élément
  • Issue abstract:
  • Detailed description:
  • Product & version number:
  • OS details:
  • What is the error message you are seeing?

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them.
Note: Please do not post Personally Identifiable Information like email address, personal phone number, physical home address, product key etc.



care to share website domain names - space characters to break link

Submit a file or URL to Norton [here]


I tried v24 a while ago and couldn’t play COD MW3 because of packet burst/extrapolation errors and half the time Microsoft Edge would just totally hang when I opened it. I fell back to v22 and all was fine again. I had to initially upgrade to v24 because my subscription expired. If I had known all of this I never would have bought Norton again. Log time user and this is the first time it has been a train wreck. Using Win10

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I too HATE the new look and am ready to ditch Norton on renewal. I seem to get less, get hassled constantly to pay more for extras and it slows my computer. The old version was fine


Too many annoying marketing pop-ups that also seem to slow down the system in this new version and I couldn’t even find a way to block them. If you found one please explain it to me! THX


I have been using norton for around 10 years and wont be renewing in a few months, and not listing all the problems.

11 norton processes running

a new directory created on one of my drives related to norton $AV_NLL
i dont undestand this is why i have virus protection, so software doesnt make unauthorized changes to my computer.

Norton blocked world of warcraft last week and the elder scrolls online today.

** Update **
Blocked Auto Hot Key
Caused my mouse to go crazy, almost had to shut computer down to fix it.
Seriously Auto Hot Key???

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You stupid pieces of never ending SH*T.
Auto Hot Key detected as a virus again
I lose control of my mouse, you incompetent insects
GD wtf???

Care to post screenshot (Show details) &or Security History for related event?

Developers: Unknown
Version: 2.0.18
Many users
Thousands of users in the Norton Community have used this file.
This file was released 6 months ago.
Norton has given this file a trusted rating.

VirusTotal report [here]

Submit a file or URL to Norton [here]

Caveat: I’m not familiar with AutoHotKey

Agree, been a long time user of Norton, but this new version has been a total and utter disaster, blocking web sites that are clearly fine. The idiots who designed this web check couldn’t even be bothered to add a accept risk and go to web site option, instead you have to switch Norton off - Stupidity and conceit beyond belief.

There are now folders $AV_NLL being created on my data disks that are messing up backups as they are restricted to Norton access apparently.

You don’t need viruses when you install Norton - it is one!

Clearly they did zero usability testing, whole machine is now slowed down. Pity there isn’t an option to use the previous working version!

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Hello @Scott355
Please post progress


  1. Care to share website domain name/s (space name to break link)
  2. Add or exclude files and folders to your backup [here]
  3. Revert to version [here]

@B_MORRIS There is a way to revert to the previous version and await version 24.xx issues to be resolved, I have done so myself. Please follow the guide in my post in another thread here:


Fix your trash program.
Now its blocking ‘Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition’

@Scott355 Did you purchase, install and do you run this title from Steam? Personally I have more than 30 games, Norton isn’t nailing any of them. IMA that I have reverted back to version and cannot test with the latest 24.xx release.