Well I just got a new computer and a new Norton anti virus and I was wondering if I can register it on my Norton Account.
Well I just got a new computer and a new Norton anti virus and I was wondering if I can register it on my Norton Account.
xxxpersonxxx wrote:Well I just got a new computer and a new Norton anti virus and I was wondering if I can register it on my Norton Account.
If that "new Norton antivirus" came installed on your computer it is likely to be a trial version with a period of free use that could be anything from 1 month upwards -- I've see 3 months and 1 year as free trial versions coming with the PC -- and if that is so I'm not sure that you can put it on your Norton Account until you decide to keep it and buy the licence KEY, either from Norton on line or by buying a retail copy and using the KEY in it.
Pleae clarify what it is that you have and then we can advise what to do since if you do buy it before the trial period is up you will lose the remaining free days.
Please check the version ID of the copy of Norton AntiVirus that you have at present:
Open up the main Norton screen -- click on that little Norton icon down on the bottom bar or on the Norton shortcut on your desktop and then click on Help & Support / About
The version ID is in the format nn.nn.nn.nnn
Please tell us what it is.
On my old computer which I made the Norton account on it had a NIS and on my new computer I have a N360 but when I was on my account I couldn't find where to add another Norton product because the NIS was put on automatically.
Hi xxxpersonxxx,
Your account will currently have NIS as that was added from your older machine. You can add your new N360 using these steps.
1. In your N360 product, click 'Account' in Main UI.
2. Select 'Access Norton account'
3. It will prompt you for an Email address. Please provide your email address which you used while creating Norton Account earlier ( in your old machine)
4. Please provide password when it prompts.
Now N360 product should also be registered to your Norton account.
Kindly let us know if you need more info.
Hey ganesh0630,
When I click on "Access Norton account" it brings me to https://www.mynortonaccount.com/amsweb/default.do?product_lang=EN and from there I can sign in on the Norton account website. That's where I looked for adding my product but I could not find the option.
Thanks for all you help so far everyone!
Hello xxxpersonxxx
If you have entered a key for your product and activated it, by accessing your norton account through the actual product with the same email address, it gets entered automatically by accessing the account. You don't have to add anything. Log out of that mynortonaccount. Then log back into it and see if the new product shows up .
floplot wrote:Hello xxxpersonxxx
If you have entered a key for your product and activated it, by accessing your norton account through the actual product with the same email address, it gets entered automatically by accessing the account. You don't have to add anything. Log out of that mynortonaccount. Then log back into it and see if the new product shows up .
What about entering a new key into an existing product to renew the subscription. Is this the procedure to follow to get the new key to appear on your Norton account?
Hello car825
Welcome back to the Norton Community Forum
Yes, that should work as long as you are using the same login information on mynortonaccount. it will get the new key into the account, but if you enter a new key into your product before the expiration date, then you will lose the remaining days of the subscription. That is why we recommend people to put in the new key about a day or two before the expiration date. The new key will start the countdown again from 366 days if it's a 1 year subscription.
Hope this helps and thanks for posting.
Hello Floplot
I tried doing what you said on your first post but that didn't work. I wanted to get my new Norton product on the account because I don't have it on the disk since I downloaded the updated version or N360 from norton.com and it would take a while to check all the locations for the key again.
I also think my problem is similar or the same to addispartans over here ->http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-360/How-to-add-new-subscription-to-norton-account/td-p/196738
Hey guys
I just realized that Vineeth's advice wasn't help at all.. My problem is I can't get my new N360 on my account.
Hello xxxpersonxxx,
When you activate your NEW Norton 360 product, you'll be able to add it to your Norton Account at that time. Have you done this yet?
Keep in mind that once you activate your N360 subscription, that is when the subscription time will start counting down.
Hello Alex
Do you have a key for N360 or are you using the trial version that came with your new computer? Have you tried Help and subscription status?
I tried activating it but it didn't work. But now I have another problem.. How do I use my old Norton 360 subscription on this new version? (I downloaded the updated for norton 360 on the norton website, its now v4) I entered the product key but it didn't reset the count down, while when I used the old version with the disk product key it was always renewed. Also should I make a new post for this?
Earlier you stated that you had NIS on the old computer and now you are talking about an old Norton 360 subscription, so I am very confused. You cannot use an NIS subscription to activate Norton 360 - they are entirely different animals. Also, if you use an old product key you will only get the number of days remaining on that subscription. To get a full one year subscription you will have to enter the new product key.
Sorry I'll try to sort everything out.
my Norton Account: was made on different computer with NIS
New computer: Installed 2007 version of Norton 360 renewable. Then went online to the Norton website and updated to version 4. That version gave me a new product key. When I enter that new product key my subscription doesn't renew.
Norton account problem : Can't find a way to add my 360 to the list of products on my Norton account.
Second problem : I can't find a way to renew my product.
Hope you guys can understand everything now.
Hello person
1. you have one computer with NIS and mynortonaccount made
2. new computer had N360 with version 1 or 2 on it I assume from 2007. I assume that you hadn't been getting subscriptions every year since 2008? So you bought a new subscription for version 4 of N360. How was that version 4 installed? Did you previously have version 2 and 3 installed? When those versions are activated, it should go into your Norton account if you give the right email address and password.
Hey floplot
I didn't buy a subsciption because the norton 360 was a renwable one. So each time i entered the key the timer would reset. So I just wanted to get the upgraded version but when I did it gave me a new product key and maybe a free trial of some sort because it asks me to pay after that. Do I have to put my old product key in?
-edit- Also it never asks me for my password and email it just takes me to a non-signed in mynortonaccount page.
My v2 product key did not work and my subsription is very soon to expire. I don't really want to focus on getting n360 on my account anymore but on how to renew it using my renewable product key.
Hello person
Is your original subscription from before 2006? I'm not following what you mean by renewable without buying a new subscription after a set period of time? You are entitled to a free upgrade to version 4 if you have a current subscription. Was this key from an ISP perhaps?