Norton 360 New Experience

Has anyone figured out how to keep the old format, please?

Hello. I am assuming you have ended up with the new version already?


No, because I’ve turned off the auto update!

Old format to what are you referring to?


Are you referring to the classic interface? If so, and you are sure you have not been upgraded to the new version 24.x.x.x., you can right click on the Norton icon in the system tray and click on Open Norton 360.

To set that as your default interface, click on Settings and make your choice under Launch View.

My present Norton 360 is

I have already selected Classic interface but Norton have sent me an email threatening to change it and implying I will be forced to accept the change.

Is this correct, please?

That is what we are being told. The new version is being rolled out VERY SLOWLY! and users will get the warning email when they are likely to get the new update. This sounds like the email that you got.

The only way to avoid getting the update is, as you already have done, turn off automatic LiveUpdate. The problem with that is that you also are not getting the latest protection updates, which might leave your system vulnerable to new malware. Even manually running LiveUpdate will get the new version pushed out to your system.

Thanks for your quick reply.

You might think I’m being over cautious but I really don’t like the way Norton are forcing this upon us, especially after they completely messed up the interface on Norton Utilities!

In the FAQ’s associated with the upgrade is the question “I don’t want the new experience. Can I keep the old one?”

Instead of answering honestly “No, you can’t” they go on about how wonderful the new interface is that everyone will want it.

Frankly I find this very high handed and not the way to keep customers!

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I got the new interface. I click settings in the center panel and it let me choose a radio button for “classic”. It questioned me and I clicked yes for the “classic”. So far, so good.

Hi netmouser,

Are you certain you have the new interface, that is 24.x.x.x?

If so, which of the settings tabs gives the option to return to classic?

Hello is there any answer on going back to classic view for 24.x.x.x ?

On the new interface I can not find or configure my local Backup set.

Only the Cloud backup which I do not wan to use - or am I missing something ?


Hello @Stuart_W
You’re not missing anything.
v24 has one view = My Norton

back up to local drive is not an option
v24 = Cloud Backup

No local backup in 24.xx is already a deal breaker for customers. Can’t imagine why its removed but. Companies shoot themselves in the foot far too often for the sake of marketing vice practicality. I use Macrium Reflect Free version, zero issues and I have full control over everything. Just another view for an alternative solution.


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Getting rid of external backup is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. I have just renewed my subs too but I won’t be next time - thanks!!

Hello @SoulAsylum , @Pugsman

Justifies my feeling 24.xx is BETA. Personally I don’t want my data sitting on a server to be compromised at some point and time. Just me, others may see it differently. Missing backup, its not the only issue with 23.xx. I know you are reading other posts where other features we all use are now gone. Again and respectfully, its just my take on this release.


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this new UI is a pain in the but, if they dont change it and make it more usable, I will supress Norton from hundreds of clients . this is not serious, we try to deliver a professional service, you cannot change an UI where only the classic version was usable to something even worse without getting the logical consequences


Hello laser-x. Being a professional. There is no need for threats here in the forums. No one here is an Norton employee but Admins to read the posts here. Please feel free to post your specifics and please, keep decorum in mind. We will do our best to assist and escalate issues on your behalf.

Version 24.xx has bugs that surely have to be ironed out. And yes, there are features that have been depreciated which should be addressed about the what and with in the release posting. We are already addressing that on the behalf of everyone. Here is the thread I started to gain the visibility we need going forward. Feel free top post there. I will move this thread there for added visibility as well.


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Well, you are right, but how to tell Norton how happy we all are? it is simply unacceptable to do such a forced rollout, we have medical software that is no longer working, with the 22.x Version and the classic interface, it was only a few clicks to solve the issues(and only with the classic IF) now we have got a new IF you find nothing, and if you find something, its only to understand, that they have build in 2-3 options and if none of them solves the problem, the Dr stops working . I hope they get sick soon, that Drs notice that they are from norton and that they rot in hell the only option we have is remove Norton everywhere and user something else as no Dr has time to wait if they are gonna fix it or offer again the options needed to work around the problems

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Is it possible to turn off auto update to remain on v22 and not allow v24 to be installed and then manually update the virus defs from ehere? Will that download update just the defs or will it also update the product?
Norton Definitions for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (