Norton Local Backup Option

After that last update - is it still possible to backup to a local portable drive?? Any help is appreciated.

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if what i now is true is it comming in the 24.12 ore later they is working on it in the 24.12 the 24.12 is comming aboute the 15 next mouth

v22 or v24?

Thanks Guru_4, not sure why they would remove that feature when so many users have that setup?? Makes no sense to me!! I’ll be looking for other options and moving away from Norton, they are expensive and I’m not seeing the value.

Now you only has to wait it is possible comming soon in one of the next updates but it take time to create thing so i think it is out in the 24.14 latest when all whants it and they is also working to get the 24.xx a good update so they fix many of the bugs in it also expect the 24.11 to only bee
A major bugfix the update after the 24.12 is possible a new update whit many new thing in it the 24.13 maybe a major bugfix and a few new thing and then the new 24.14 many new thing like the 24.12 but i dont now you just has to wait and see

Thanks for the heads up.
Norton is an idiot to think that the stuff I have been backing up to the cloud is all I want to back up. Its just the tip of the iceberg.
I don’t want to spend a lot of time backing up files wirelessly, so I use the external drive for the speed.