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Issue abstract: I had to cancel my subscription which is to renew on Nov 28th.
Detailed description: They already charged me and the since I can’t change paypal to use the paypal credit it took the money out of my checking which left me with nothing to pay my other bills. Today the Oct. 24th and my subscription is up until Nov 28th over a month away and they renewed it. I want to change where my payment is coming from but it wont let me. I just got done changing everything in my paypal account and under the Norton autopay I switched it there to paypal credit but it wont in Norton’s payment options. How do I fix this or just go get another internet security? I do like Norton options but I want to pay the way I want so I’m not busting my checking account
Product & version number:Norton™ 360 with LifeLock™ Ultimate Plus 24.10.9535 (build 24.9.9452.879)
OS details: Windows 11
What is the error message you are seeing? no error
If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:
Yes I did that but I want to renew it next month not now. It won’t let me change payment options with paypal. I want to pay with paypal credit not paypal linked to my checking account.