Thread for version 24.xx issues and suggestions

Thanks for the kind words. I do what I do here for the love of doing it. AND! Everyone helping in this thread deserves credit for giving people the chance to walk back to the older version and take a breath of fresh air while we continue watching how 24.xx progresses. The one device I have 24.xx on appears to be running solid, although too much data is being x-fered back to servers than I am comfortable with. The laptop in question has 12 core CPU, 32GB DDR5 system memory, a 2TB M2 SSD and is burning through 40-50% CPU at idle. I suspect some Acer services are enabled in the BIOS/UEFI settings that I need to review first to confirm. All the factory bloatware was removed at first setup so it has to be in the BIOS.

I cannot see anything changed that is beneficial with the firewall and editing it that makes sense. Backup is still half baked for my needs, haven’t gotten around to attempt connecting my NAS as of today for that test. And the UI is still filled with scare tactics, marketing too much to suit me as well. Although progress IS being made, I’m still not ready to commit to it on all my machines at this point.



@Bill_H – I’m curious. Above you mentioned VPN troubles in version 24. Would you mind in brief telling me what you are experiencing that’s not right? I’ve been having several issues with V24 since I was handed it on Oct 24, 2024, like both Live Update and Software Updater running consistently, even though you turn them off. That just 2 of several issues. As for my VPN, that’s really one thing that seems to be fine, except from taking my download speed from almost a gig down to 200. I live in Florida and set the VPN to Canada.

Your last sentence touches on the problem I had when I tried the VPN in version 24. My speed without the VPN runs about 940-960. With the VPN it slowed down to under 3. I couldn’t even connect to any sites that had a lot of photos like most news sites. In version 22 and previous versions it slowed down to anywhere from 300-350 depending on what server I was connected to. If the VPN doesn’t get fixed for me soon, I’ll be moving on after over 20 years of using Norton.

@Bill_H – I hear you sir. Seems like Bitfender has been the lucky recipient for many of us on this thread. Since Oct 24 I have had two updates still within V24. For me, nothing has changed. Norton/Gen don’t seem to care that they’ve really made of a mess of a product we never asked for. Their making Micro$oft look good.

I’ve been going round and round with Norton support on Facebook.
I’d like to post this to show you all just what their level of intelligence is. BTW, when all is said and done, 3 months ago I gave them the URL to this thread and yesterday when I brought it up again, they told me that they are sorry it hasn’t been read. How many times are they going to continually ask me what problems I have? F$$King idiots!!!

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Maybe we can grab Norton’s attention by starting a new thread with the topic captioned (in caps) “N360 users who demand a refund, sign up here!” :slightly_smiling_face:

Norton’s using AI technology, right? So why isn’t it using that to scour this forum for the bugs being reported? I do know that they monitor the forum. Case in point
I posted a couple of topics that were more appropriate for another category and those were promptly moved. If they have the ability to do that and so quickly, I can’t see why it’s difficult for Norton to compile a list of all the reported/suspected bugs and, more importantly, fix them.

Seriously though, I don’t know what the solution is. It’s either hang in (maybe revert to V22 while waiting) and hope for the best, or abandon ship.

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Hey @Puzzler. Thanks for writing. I can’t get myself to believe that Norton/Gen is reading any of this. It could be just some kind of moderator that moved some of your topics around. Usually they tell you who they are in other forums. I believe if it was any kind of Norton rep or better yet Norton/Gen tech guru, I firmly believe they would be quite capable of posting to this thread. Hell, just to let us know they were reading it, if they had nothing better to say. There hasn’t been one incidence of that within 565 posts. When I called Norton Support a couple of months ago, they thoroughly believe that there is nothing wrong with V24. They keep on throwing Remote Desktop>then letting them re-install it. If you’ve read through ALL of these posts, you’ll see how many clean installs were done and how some users were worse off than they were to begin with. I firmly believe, especially after dealing with Facebook tech support that none of these people no squat about this program except the developers, yet since Oct 24th of 2024 I’ve only received two updates which now also require computer restarts, and my issues still remained. I can’t believe that Gen Digital doesn’t care, but from what I’ve just typed to you here, I don’t see a single bit of evidence that anything is being done.

Guessing Gen isn’t tracking these boards at all, even if a human moderator exists, it’s unlikely issues they see reported here are actually making it to a real developer to be confirmed and remediated. What they do track - very closely I’m sure: GEN Stock price, Earnings per share, Revenue growth.

Exhibit A Q3: what are you expecting to see, around overall retention as we move forward from here? Thanks.

Natalie Dursy, CFO, Gen Digital: Yes. Thanks for the question. So retention rate is definitely one of our top KPIs. And the Q3 results that we saw were relatively in line with Q2, albeit there’s some rounding in there. What I would call out is the strength of the retention rate being industry leading in total. Yada yada So far, the KPIs are performing to our expectation and we’re delivering on that revenue acceleration from 3% to 4% quarter over quarter.

The part about “There’s some rounding in there” – that “rounding error” is basically everyone chatting on this board. It’s clear they’ve moved customer support, and likely most (if not all) of their development offshore. This is what the sales team would do to help drive that stock price. They’re happy to have customers spend their precious time chatting with each other, or with “Shweta” or whoever it is out in India for pennies on the dollar, as long as they get enough upselling done, their shareholder meetings continue to go smoothly, and that retention rate can still be rounded out enough to make things look Ok.


@Norton_is_horrible RESPECTFULLY!!! Reading your post you assume, that Norton isn’t following the thread here yet.

The part about “There’s some rounding in there” – that “rounding error” is basically everyone chatting on this board.

Guessing Gen isn’t tracking these boards at all, even if a human moderator exists, it’s unlikely issues they see reported here are actually making it to a real developer to be confirmed and remediated. What they do track - very closely I’m sure: GEN Stock price, Earnings per share, Revenue growth.

If you have weeded through the thread, from its beginning, there has been a Norton admin chime into the thread more than once actually. Additionally, the release announcements that are posted, and not all are posted for each release, reflect links that support them being aware of what is posted here.

You also should be aware there are people here, actively making sure Norton gets the issues forwarded so that in turn, can be presented to the teams responsible. We Gurus are part of that effort as are other everyday users. Conversely, we don’t have access to those teams nor what their progress may/may not be.

There is also a process to revert offered in the thread as well. Myself and others have done so, while Norton irons out version 24.xx into something the end users can tolerate. Should you want to take that route and need assistance please ask.


I can’t speak for others but I certainly appreciate the time you and other Norton users invest in sharing problems as well as solutions and workarounds on this forum. Time is precious and many are volunteering quite a lot of theirs to help others. Norton would be up the creek without a paddle were it not for this community forum.

Out of the starting gate, Norton ought to have provided better product support. When launching (arguably prematurely) an update with a radically different UI, it should at least have had support pages up on the web highlighting all the major changes. V24 removed features that users relied on. Norton did that in silence so it’s no wonder confusion and frustration resulted. If free apps like Firefox can alert users to new features, I can’t see why a long established and profitable company like Norton can’t.

The reason for Norton to have tech support based in India may be financial but that doesn’t mean the quality of tech support there is worse than what we can expect from techs here in the U.S. In fact it’s been my experience that call center reps in India are generally more polite and patient. India’s tech sector is robust and they focus heavily on STEM education so it’s not unreasonable to base support there. No matter where tech support is based, they’re ability to help resolve problems is limited by the information about the app they get from Norton’s app developers and engineers, if there are bugs in the app (and there have been plenty in V24), then there’s not much tech support can do. Must be frustrating for them too.

Part of the problem is that that announcement is very dated, with Norton issuing no subsequent release update despite all the bugs being reported. When V24 first installed on my computers, it was already 24.12.9725.

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Ce matin, j’ai eu la dĂ©sagrĂ©able surprise de dĂ©couvrir que le VPN a cessĂ© de fonctionner

J’essaiera de trouver une solution dans la journĂ©e car lĂ , je manque de temps.

@Gribouille342 In Windows services check for the “startup type” and make sure its set to manual, if, you do not want the VPN live when Windows boots. Otherwise set it at automatic if you do want it live with Windows startup. Here is an older screenshot back when 24.xx was first released as a go to


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@SoulAsylum Je vous remercie pour aide.
Je ne sais pas comment l’expliquer mais sachez qu’en fin de matinĂ©e, le VPN Ă©tait de nouveau fonctionnel sans intervention de ma part.

Par ailleurs, je viens de recevoir via LiveUpdate la version 25.1.9816 (version 25.1.9816.0) Norton m’a notifiĂ©e un redĂ©marrage afin de finaliser l’installation de la mise Ă  jour.

@Gribouille342 . Hi there. I just received the same update as well. So far the problems I have been having still exist. :face_with_thermometer:

Bonjour, @majorbuzz Je suis désolée pour vous.
De mon cĂŽtĂ©, je n’ai pas encore eu le temps de constater si mes problĂšmes notamment liĂ©s Ă  la dĂ©sactivation de la “protection contre les accĂšs Ă  distance” d’une part et d’autre part Ă  la “signature d’intrusion” ont Ă©tĂ© corrigĂ©s ou non.
Personnellement, je pense qu’il est fort possible que ces problĂšmes soient toujours prĂ©sents.
Quoi qu’il en soit, je me pencherai sur le sujet demain et je reviendrai informer la communautĂ© de ma constatation personnelle.

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Trying to see if this was intentional, no heads up and there isn’t an announcement that should have been posted prior to release.


Par for the course for Norton these days, it seems.

As the adage goes, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, so after bring burned by V24, I’m staying with V22 for now. I’ll let the intrepid souls who are willing to experiment do the hard work. Thanks to all of you, in advance.

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Bonjour @Gribouille342 I’m not sure if Remote Access Protection and Intrusion Signature being disabled is a bug. I hope Norton will confirm one way or the other. Based on the security history log (V24) on one of my computers, every time the computer was shut down, those two features were disabled. When the computer is turned on, they are enabled. But this behavior was inconsistent. Enabling and disabling events were captured consistently on one computer but not on the other two. It’s unclear if these events were happening on those with each shut down and start but the security history wasn’t logging correctly or it was happening randomly. Here’s a screenshot of the security history I posted back in Dec. Security history log may be hit and miss

I’m using V22 on two computers now so I can’t add anything new to the discussion beyond this.

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Something notice and I posted over on the version 25 thread. In the UI appears the below notice:
Some older settings adjustments are now automatic (depreciated)