Thread for version 24.xx issues and suggestions

Hi @SoulAsylum. Well you asked a lot of us to come here with our issues, so here we are. LOL
Thanks so much for trying to help me out with the manual live update running on its own several times a day (In Security History), and pretty much the same with Software Updater. I’ll be waiting for your findings. Cheers!

Hello @Brocktoon
Protect your searches with Norton Safe Search is ad for Norton Safe Search.

Chrome v130.0.6723.70 + Norton Safe Web v3.23.0.21

Chrome + Norton Safe Web + Norton Safe Search v3.23.0.20

Firefox v132.0 + Norton Safe Web v3.22.0.2 + Norton Safe Search v3.23.0.19

Hello @Brocktoon

Bitdefender Traffic Light reports at website and at search results.


Hi @mandc. I kind of thought that’s what you meant by spinning. Like I mentioned earlier I don’t use their cloud backup. If you wish to turn cloud back up off … try going into Version 24 settings>cloud backup>settings> then at that point turn off top two settings. That did the trick for me.

As for PUPS it found. I personally would trust the last version of Norton over this one no question about it. If you don’t recognize what those unwanted 6 apps are, you might wish to leave them in quarantine and see if you miss them. I personally don’t trust this program, and after using Norton since 2000 am very much considering changing to something else. I also don’t like all the product pushing they do. I’d have to classify this version as adware. Good luck! :slightly_smiling_face:

Obtained some good help from a Norton Tech yesterday who invested time and using his Norton remote and related tools sets to confirmed that the new Norton 360 standard v 24 running on WIN 11 lost access to the local drives both mapped from my LAN and local C: He could see that old Norton 360 BackUP sets showed on my LAN under each users folder. The local C: drive was not listed and as confirmed by others was only available in an overflow setting. The present V24 would not export but more importantly to me import old saved data.
He was able to define a process to remove the new V24 and reinstall the old v22 one so that we can now see the mapped external drives. However at this point while the mapped drives are selectable under V22 I have lost vision to the file types to perform the backup to the mapped drive and unable to recover the old Backup Set on the mapped drive. We did not know this at the time of departure. I was pleased to see the drives. He worked on two of my PC’s. I spoke with his managed and advised that I appreciated his efforts was he aware of this current problem. He advised at this point tech support was and an up dated version was in development in Engineering to resolve this concern. He advised that when a newer version abailble users would be advised.


Hello @GRColdtech
does this help?

Find missing files or backup sets when restoring them from a local storage media with Norton [here]

Why link to a thread that says absolutely nothing I dont already know with no fix?

SO woohoo it continues to optimise my HD every day… maybe its doing trim maybe something else, regardless it shouldnt be doing eithert

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Hi @GRColdtech. Thank you for the information you posted. Let me ask you please, do you feel that Norton knows that version 24 needs a lot of work?
Secondly do you believe that Norton is going to give version 24 a major overhaul so most of all these reported products go away?

Hi @NewVersion24Sucks. You are not alone. Many modules I have set to manual and checking security history you can plainly see that they still do their thing. Worse yet, they do them over and over and over.
I think after 20+ years I’m going to have to use something else, but what?

That’s the problem I think, to many of the big solutions all appear to be bloated packages full of stuff I don’t really want


are you referring to link [here]

Community points to related content for users that pass this way.

You want “fix” for_______?

You already know Download Intelligence reports only for suspicious files when you attempt to run them or download them from the internet.

@NewVersion24Sucks – Thing is, most of the big players like Norton, Kaspersky, McAfee, etc are all offering suites. Sure you can just get Norton anti-virus by itself, but I believe it only comes with 1 license, and is still $60.00. I myself need 2, so I have to get 360. Thing is, how do you know that the anti-virus works any better?

Hello @Brocktoon
I neglected to mention:
Chrome/Edge/Firefox webpage reports Norton Safe Search results with rating.

as always, your mileage may vary

Hi @BJM. I Don’t mean to be a bother. I was just wondering how you made out setting your live update to manual for a while. Did it run on its own? Thanks!

@majorbuzz Here are my findings as promised. My start time was 10 pm last night through 8 am this morning my local time.

Software Updater didn’t run during my test time with my settings. My software updater was and still remains OFF from the time I retired last night through this morning when I took these screenshots. Its remaining at OFF as I keep it that way. Under no circumstance do I want to to run on its own and replace anything.

Live Updates DID run twice as shown below:

Findings are Live Updates do run regardless. This is how I got recent additions/features to my install as well is it changing to a different product name as shown by the icon below. Features ARE being pushed whether we set LU to off:

NOTE: Norton 360 Ultra is NOT a present offering at Norton. Norton Security Ultra IS offered as renewable : Renewal Pricing


Yes, LiveUpdate appears to run with automatic update off.
this was ~1 pm [here]
and this was ~ 6 pm [here]

Hi all, new to this thread/forum but hate the new version as well. Not seen any comments about the ‘ask me’ option in the safecam along with the block/allow. Spoke to tech support and yep it’s gone!! so an app can either use the webcam or not use the webcam but you can’t decide in RT without going into norton. So for instance you have an email with a browser link for a conf call and you want to allow browser to open webcam for that one instance and then the rest of the time have the webcam blocked.Go into norton edit the app feature to allowed then start program and then go back and block it again when finished. Sounds minor but that feature was very useful to me. Plus the new UI looks like it belongs in playschool !!

It’s offical Norton has done ‘A Sonos’, maybe the CEOs can have a good chat in the unemployment line !

majorbuzz : Let me ask you please, do you feel that Norton knows that version 24 needs a lot of work?
Secondly do you believe that Norton is going to give version 24 a major overhaul so most of all these reported products go away?

majorbuzz : Yeah, you now have the privilege of being stuck with Version 24. There is no way to go back. :confused: You’re going to have to live with SOoooo many issues this version has, some of which you are experiencing. After all my reading in various communities, this version looks like it’s really never been beta tested. I wouldn’t re-install it. I would try calling their support number (overseas). I myself haven’t had issues with internet connection or what you refer to as “Spinning Up”, but I’m not using their cloud backup. I have many other issues though.
There are a couple of very technical guys on this thread. They may be able to help to a degree, but from all I’m experiencing and reading, this version is pure crap.

Yeah the dev/test teams will have said it did. But management insist on meeting their unrealistic sales deadlines to keep shareholders happy so released anyway! Overhall of V24 : only if users make enough fuss and then shareholders see the value of their shares dropping. Norton prioritizes users last and shareholders first.

I managed to get back to the previous interface. Spoke to support and got a link to download the old version. Downloaded it. (Win10)

  1. opened installer of ‘older version’ by double clicking
  2. it noticed that it already had stuff running etc and asked to reboot which I did
  3. then found it in File Manager/windows explorer a second time and double clicked it
  4. installer started and started install
  5. several reboots later it was installed
  6. Then removed new version via windows → settings → Apps
  7. then removed the ‘older version’ as well (selecting the leave properties as i’m going to reinstall) option
  8. another reboot just to be safe
  9. Found the download in File Manager again, double clicked and re-installed it again.
  10. Had to enter usernamepassword combo for the Norton server connection and I’m now back to
  11. Next step to work out how to stop updates to program but allow updates to the definitions
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Ask Sonos - maybe they know. After all they did just that leaving users with expensive paper weights (aka wireless speakers). I have no f***ing clue why once decent companies are going down this route.