Tracking thread for the new version 25.xx release

Note: Please do not post Personally Identifiable Information like email address, personal phone number, physical home address, product key etc.

**When posting / adding initial posts to the thread, please include the following answers to the below requests to make things easier for everyone.

Issue abstract: *The issue you are posting about

Detailed description: *Screenshots and/or detailed information, please keep in line with the NOTE at the top of the thread.

Product & version number: *Version and build of Norton currently installed

OS details: * Your OS, its version and build

What is the error message you are seeing? - Errors being reported via History or notifications

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them: * Make sure to edit out any product key/serial number, name, address and other PI.


Moving some post links in other areas here for dexterity:

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As posted in another thread, since updating to V25, my security history is getting spammed by:

‘Rule Windows Networking in Allowed UDP(17) traffic’

Others have posted the same. I’m not sure if this is just a normal ‘info’ message that is tracked now with V25, or is it a glitch with the smart firewall?

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@SoulAsylum Howdy Amigo. I have my phone to my ear waiting waiting waiting for a Norton agent to pick up. It’s been 45 min. I give it one hour before I take the next step, not that I have a clue what that might be

To be honest, I am using an Xfinity gateway/ no wi-fi enabled on a private network. I do believe that UDP 17 has something to do with Windows 10 bios. That’s all I can tell you for now. Cheers!

@majorbuzz @Brocktoon

Netstat is an option to track UDP traffic on Win10 and 11.

Displays active TCP connections, ports on which the computer is listening, Ethernet statistics, the IP routing table, IPv4 statistics (for the IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP protocols), and IPv6 statistics (for the IPv6, ICMPv6, TCP over IPv6, and UDP over IPv6 protocols). Used without parameters, this command displays active TCP connections.
netstat | Microsoft Learn

More info here How to use 'netstat' command on Windows 11 and 10 | Windows Central

On Windows 11, the Network Statistics (netstat) tool has been around for a long time (including on Windows 10 and older versions), and it’s a command-line utility you can use in Command Prompt to display statistics for all network connections. It allows you to understand open and connected ports to monitor and troubleshoot networking problems for systems or apps.

EDIT: Specifically netstat -a

@Puzzler - When it comes to firewalls I’m not that knowledgeable. I can read up on it if you feel it is important.

Meanwhile, and you should probably take this with a grain of salt, but I finally got through to Norton Support. They are going to call me back at some point within the next few days. Reading through the other thread dealing with V24 (which was no easy feat) I didn’t come across one person that was successful in fixing V24 by re-installing it in several different ways.

In the meantime, I’m going to tag both @bjm and @SoulAsylum in hopes that they see this.

@majorbuzz Whether the information is important depends on your comfort level concerning the traffic volume and origin. The problem with router traffic logs is that each router has it’s own UI and capabilities so it’s difficult to give useful advice. Plus I just noticed that you’re using an Xfinity gateway so your ability to access info is likely limited.

Do the Norton networking alerts provide more info, e.g. port number? If it does, you can check UDP port traffic descriptions here for the nature of the traffic. List of TCP and UDP port numbers - Wikipedia

I tried reinstalling V24 and ended up with more problems. In the end, I reinstalled V22. Have to mention that I didn’t tinker with the Windows registry keys so could be the old V24 install wasn’t completely removed with Norton’s removal tool. To be fair, the same happened with V22. Removal and reinstall resulted in some curious artifacts, like the Remote Management enable/disable option getting greyed out. Fortunately for me, it was set to disable so I’m leaving it alone for now. As the Brits would say, it’s a bloody mess. :upside_down_face:

Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Hope they can shed some light and help resolve this.

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@Puzzler - Thanks for the info. You should see my security history since I had to install V25. I thought it was bad before with 24. :roll_eyes:
Thing is, despite this s$$t is absolute crapware, if I never visited my history, or knew I was supposed to have an identity tab, I would have to admit my PC is clean (checked with 3 on call scanners, (am I obsessive?) my PC runs just fine, and as long as I dare not touch the so called VPN that Norton gave us, my internet speeds are generally downloading at over 900 Mbps. I’ve been reading articles that say now-a-days your average Joe doesn’t even need security because, well because there’s nice big juicy company’s where hackers can go and get millions of SS numbers, emails, addresses, whatever, so why bother with us???

All: The UDP(17) firewall dings are connected to Norton public settings. Good new is that we can now edit some of the firewall rules in version 25. Things are a bit touchy though so make sure you know what is what before doing that.

I have some screenshots ready from this Win 11 laptop with version 25 installed but not done editing them. I will try posting some by early AM tomorrow for review.

Seeing the firewall changes actually gives hope as it DOES indeed say to the nay sayers that persist Norton isn’t watching these threads. That they are indeed doing so. Thanks for following things over here to this thread as well. Maybe collectively we can give Norton something positive for a change. The firewall changes are an absolute change that was necessary, THANK YOU NORTON!!


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Ok folks. Here is what I see that has changed from the last time I had version 24.xx and now is available in version 25.


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@SoulAsylum . You sound optimistic :thinking: Within my firewall traffic rules, I can only edit 3 out of all the rules.

Would you be kind enough (in laymon’s terms) to tell some of us what we should or can do regarding the non stop appearance of THIS? Thanks. Cheers!

Working on that as I post this. :grinning:


I’m lost here. Not sure what’s new in V25. Here’s a screenshot of my computer. This one is still running V24.12.9725. I’ve kept that computer offline for the past few days because of the Remote Management reset issue. The only difference I see in our screenshots is the additional port (remote 80). What am I missing? :eyeglasses:

@majorbuzz @SoulAsylum’s screenshot is of the Program Control, not Traffic Rules.

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Here’s the screenshot of the Download/Upload Host from V24.

For anyone who comes across this post: my program rules are custom tailored for my needs and concerns and are likely too restrictive for most people. Just using this screenshot to compare N360 feature controls with SoulAsylum’s from V25.

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I understand your frustration. You’re not alone
not that that helps. What do they say? Ah yes. This too shall pass like a kidney stone.

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Bonjour Ă  tous,

Comme je le disais hier dans mon post ci-dessus, je reviens ici vous faire part de ma constatation concernant mes problÚmes liés aux désactivations de la protection contre les accÚs à distance ainsi que la signature à distance.
Comme je le prĂ©sentais, ces problĂšmes sont toujours prĂ©sents dans cette version 25.1xxx et manifestement, comme le montrent mes deux captures d’écran de ce matin, les dĂ©sactivations correspondent bien Ă  l’heure Ă  laquelle j’ai Ă©teint mon pc hier soir.

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Merci pour votre aide. C’est effectivement une “petite progression” et j’espĂšre vraiment que vous avez raison d’ĂȘtre optimiste.