Thread for version 24.xx issues and suggestions

Hello @majorbuzz
I’ve tested v24 similarly as I’ve periodically tested v22.
I’m not a malware expert.
I’ll throw known malware samples from URLhaus at my browser.
v24 blocks all samples I’ve recently tested.
v24 detection/block feels different vs v22.
a block is still a block
Yes, I miss Download Insight for all downloads.
Yes, I miss Security History More Details.
Yes, I miss v22 Backup. Who knows what they were thinking.
v24 is different. v24 protection engines feel & react differently to threats.
From my reading over on MalwareTips…who know way more than me. Norton v24 is Avast with Norton seasoning…and seems to be well received over on MalwareTips.

New device security gives em’ something new to play with.

Some over on MalwareTips are married to Symantec technology.
Some over on MalwareTips embrace Avast technology with Norton flavoring.
Some are anti-Avast regarding Avast collecting user data. [here]

for example: v24 related over on MalwareTips [here] [here] [here] [here]

The whole Gen taking over the industry. That’s another can of worms.

Sure, I would have preferred v24 release was done differently. I have my own ideas on how I’d release major upgrades. Just me.

some see website loading issue [here]

some are just not happy [here]

some question Avast intercepting https traffic [here]

some question Norton certificate [here]

with reservations n’ stipulations for user with v24 issues n’ only for me…yes

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