Continuing the discussion from Behavioral Projection:
There are some issues with N360.
Autofix after every reboot
Behaviour base protection shutting off itself
Now N360 has updated itself and doesnt want to start with windows…Now Windows Defender has the control over my pc
Trying to unninstall with NRnR…only unninstalling…tryng to wait some days to reinstall…i left my pc alone and when i came back…installer was running alone…weird thing dont you think ?
I use Google Translate German - English
Yes macoloco, there are errors in N360.
It started in mid-February with 3 errors. The updates from Windows or N360 did not correct them. 2 more errors have now appeared. I am currently dealing with 5 errors.
Norton received data via the Multi Purpose Agent Tool (MAT), but I don’t know anything about the current status. The thread “Norton Autofix every Reboot” was deleted from the archive for whatever reason.
I wanted to upload the corresponding pictures, but the new forum doesn’t seem to allow that
Device Specifications:
Device Name SHARKOON
Processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i5-11600K @ 3.90GHz 3.91 GHz
Installed RAM 64.0 GB (63.8 GB usable)
System Type 64-bit OS, x64-based processor
Windows Specifications:
Edition Windows 11 Home
Version 23H2
Installed on 10/19/2022
OS Build 22631.4037
Performance Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1027.0
Norton Info:
Device Name: Sharkoon Win11
Error 1 (new)
After starting the PC, the Norton icon does not appear in the taskbar
Error 2 (new)
All Norton submenus are not functional
Error 1 + 2 can be resolved by logging out and logging back into Windows. After that, N360 will appear in the taskbar and the submenus under Programs/Norton will work again.
Error 3 (February to now)
Norton Autofix has detected a problem that requires your attention. To fix this problem, click “Fix Now”
Autofix for SONAR - definitions successful
Error 3 can be resolved by using Autofix
Error 4 (February to now)
This computer is at risk. Your PC is not protected by Behavior-Based Protection
Remediation not complete, Behavior-based protection not resolved
Error 4 can be resolved by turning Auto Protect off and on
Error 5 (February to now)
Turning off behavior-based protection MUST generate an alarm, but it doesn’t!
The error is resolved when a behavior-based protection update is downloaded via N360 LiveUpdate. This desirable state only lasts until the next PC restart.
JOBA aus MĂĽnchen
You say “only uninstalling”. Did you use the Advanced Options > Remove only option? If not, when you restarted the computer, the reinstall feature will kick in some time after the restart to install 360 again.
Hello community,
I have now found a way to make images visible via a link to an image host. Please click on the link
Error 1 (new)
After starting the PC, the Norton icon does not appear in the taskbar
[ :: Einzelbildansicht 48539450kd.png]
Error 2 (new)
All Norton submenus are not functional
[ :: Einzelbildansicht 48539446ro.png]
Error 1 + 2 can be resolved by logging out and logging back into Windows. After that, N360 will appear in the taskbar and the submenus under Programs/Norton will work again.
Error 3 (February to now)
Norton Autofix has detected a problem that requires your attention. To fix this problem, click “Fix Now”
[ :: Einzelbildansicht 48539449zy.png]
Autofix for SONAR - definitions successful
[ :: Einzelbildansicht 48539448pg.png]
Error 3 can be resolved by using Autofix
Error 4 (February to now)
This computer is at risk. Your PC is not protected by Behavior-Based Protection
[ :: Einzelbildansicht 48539447nh.png]
Remediation not complete, Behavior-based protection not resolved
[ :: Einzelbildansicht 48539451ao.png]
Error 3 + 4 can be resolved by turning Auto Protect off and on
Error 5 (February to now)
Turning off behavior-based protection MUST generate an alarm, but it doesn’t!
[ :: Einzelbildansicht 48539445kw.png]
The error is resolved when a behavior-based protection update is downloaded via N360 LiveUpdate. This desirable state only lasts until the next PC restart.
Further links to the threads in the archive that point out the problems mentioned above.
Your pc is not protected by behavioral protection - Archive - Norton
Behavioral Projection - Archive - Norton
Behavioral projection does not work, even after reinstall - Archive - Norton
Norton doesn’t work on latest Windows 11 23H2 (fresh install!) - Archive - Norton
Right Click Context Menu broken on N360 Taskbar Icon - Archive - Norton
Newest Norton Update Stops Working - Archive - Norton
Unfortunately, these two threads have been deleted from the Norton archive.
GruĂź in die Runde
Thank you for the invitation, JobBa!
I thought our original posts were deleted because Norton has no clue how to solve this.
But this is obvious where it leads. This new forum also has more bugs than the previous one, like the Norton 360.
I hate to do that, but by end of this year I am moving away from Norton as I no longer trust this company and their software.
Some weeks ago I wanted to try their Norton Cleanup, but seeing as what Norton 360 does, I do not want to risk destroying everything that is running on my computer.
Best regards,
I use Google Translater German - English
Hi Nate,
I still have some time, exactly 144 days until the end of my subscription, to see how Norton intends to resolve the problem.
Error logs have been made available via MAT. There may be specialists working on the matter. It would be nice if someone would report back on the progress of the fault isolation process.
Hello JOBA,
totally agree! I also provided the logs, but without any reaction so far. I’m also giving Norton some time, but my hopes are getting thin.
Have a great weekend!
Best regards,
might be an oasis…but i am almost reaching 4 days without any of these issues…
last move i made:
-booting pc on safe mode, then use the NRnR to remove or unninstall any trace of my previous n360 software installed
-reboot pc, and check that Defender is now on charge.
-Logging in on my Norton account…download latest version (
-install, smart scan, liveupdate…and thats all so far
no autofix at the moment, no alarms…“so far”
could it be this attempt the right one …??
Hello macoloco,
I tried it a total of 3 times today, also in safe mode
- NRnR (only remove) performed
- License deleted in account
- Norton folder manually deleted as described in the forum
- Leftovers removed with CCleaner (also from Company GEN)
- Running “sfc /scannow” (no errors)
- Running “Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth” (no errors)
- Reinstalled N360 via account
Still Autofix Sonar error
Still message about missing behavior-based protection
Still no N360 submenus in the taskbar or in the program structure.
Still manually turning off behavior-based protection does not generate an alarm
Logging out and back in to the Microsoft account fixes the submenu error
hello macoloco,
does manually turning off behavior-based protection generate the desired alarm?
Yes…if i turnoff manually, pop-up alarms appears
Today monday 19th…no issues so far
try to run on safe mode
NRnr and MAT to cleanup norton directory and registry
Everything is “green” in Norton-MAT.
I have currently deleted N360, Microsoft Defender Antivirus is active
Slightly different error pattern after reinstalling N360
- Norton Autofix message, but error-free. No reference to SONAR
- Missing N360 submenus in the taskbar and in the apps
- Logging in again makes the submenus visible
- After a certain time, the behavior-based alarm pops up
- this cannot be repaired with Autofix, only by turning Auto-Protect off and on
Hi JOBA…sorry for answering a bit late…
i was busy with many other things…i forgot to work on my pc
As far so good…no errors on my N360
Last thing i did was unnistalling on safe mode, reboot on safe mode and clean all registry and folders
then the next installation ( seem to be fine
all submenu are fixed, right click on taskbar shows popup menu, no autofix…
2 weeks error free so far
Only still two errors after using the offline installer with the N360 version (This version ran without any errors in Ferbruary 2024)
no N360 context menu visible in the taskbar or in the program list. Only works after logging out and logging back in to the Microsoft account (Windows Hello)
The scan button is not functional in the application. Ok, after logging out and logging back in to the Microsoft account (Windows Hello)
Fixed Errors after Install Version and Update via Live Update:
- autofix message regarding SONAR after starting the PC
- later a warning because the behavior-based protection is not working
- manually turning off the behavior-based protection generates no corresponding alarm
I hope this bugs don’t come back
@macoloco: do the contextmenu work for you after logging in to the PC?
Contextmenu is working…start menu…i use startallback to change w11 startmenu and taskbar…but works