I have an old edition of Norton that expired, so I renewed my subscription. Now it won’t let me download and install. I spent over an hour on “chat” the other day only to get locked out of my account because they kept sending log-in codes that wouldn’t work.
Numerous issues. So when I try to download and install it says I already have Norton installed. And it won’t update over the old file. I can’t uninstall the old file because my computer says it’s running. I can’t get logged into my old app because it says my key-code, which I copied and pasted from my account page, is invalid.
It’s just so frustrating that I paid for this product and it seems impossible for me to actually use it. Not sure what to do here…
already tried that, as I said above it won’t let me uninstall the old version because it says its running and I can’t get logged in because it says my key code is invalid. this is part of the problem
yes I know them, that’s how I’m here obviously. the problem, as I said, is that it asks me for the passkey. and it doesn’t work even though I copy and paste.
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